Nick Fisher's tech blog

Atomic Incrementing in DynamoDB with the Java AWS SDK 2.0

The source code for this post can be found on Github.

When you update an item in DynamoDB, you can optionally update the item in place. That is, instead of read-increment-write, you can just issue a command that says increment this value in place. This behavior is detailed in the AWS documentation, and I will provide an example for how to do so with the Java AWS SDK 2.0, which has full reactive support.

We will start by building off work done on a previous post where we set up an embedded DynamoDB instance and integrated it with the AWS SDK 2.0. With that in place, we can create a test table and add an item to work with [we obviously will need an item to increment in order to prove this out]:

    public void atomicCounting() throws Exception {
        String currentTableName = "PhonesAtomicCounting";


        String stubCompanyName = "Nokia";
        String stubPhoneName = "flip-phone-1";

        Map<String, AttributeValue> itemAttributes = getMapWith(stubCompanyName, stubPhoneName);
        itemAttributes.put("Color", AttributeValue.builder().s("Orange").build());
        itemAttributes.put("Version", AttributeValue.builder().n(Long.valueOf(1L).toString()).build());
        itemAttributes.put("NumberSold", AttributeValue.builder().n(Long.valueOf(1L).toString()).build());

        PutItemRequest populateDataItemRequest = PutItemRequest.builder()

        // populate initial data

We create a partition and sort key on a table called PhonesAtomicCounting. This table stores phones, so we put a phone in there where the company that creates the phone is named “Nokia” and the phone name is “flip-phone-1”. Other item attributes include “Color”, “Version”, and “NumberSold”.

Now let’s say that we want to blindly increment NumberSold, and we’re okay with the consequences/caveat that it’s not idempotent [it will increment every time it’s called, if you want idempotency you will want to look into Optimistic Locking]. If that’s our game, this is how it can be done:

        UpdateItemRequest updateItemRequest = UpdateItemRequest.builder()
                .key(getMapWith(stubCompanyName, stubPhoneName))
                .updateExpression("SET Version = Version + :incr_amt, NumberSold = NumberSold + :num_sold_incr_amt")

        StepVerifier.create(Mono.fromFuture(() -> dynamoDbAsyncClient.updateItem(updateItemRequest)))
                .expectNextMatches(updateItemResponse -> {
                    return true;

                        .key(getMapWith(stubCompanyName, stubPhoneName))
            .expectNextMatches(getItemResponse -> getItemResponse.item().get("NumberSold").n().equals("3"))


Here, we update the item we created previously by incrementing Version by 1 and NumberSold by 2. We then verify that our changes applied by getting the item out of the table and verifying that the NumberSold did indeed increment by two.