Nick Fisher's tech blog

How to Configure Reactive Netty in Spring Boot, in Depth

Spring Boot’s WebFlux programming model is pretty neat, but there isn’t a lot by way of explaining how to best leverage it to get the results you need. I wrote this blog post after tinkering with the configuration of Reactor Netty on Spring Boot.

The first point, before we begin, to realize about the event loop model is that we want to reuse threads across all operations, and then insure that those operations utilize non-blocking behavior. This is contrary to the asynchronous and blocking behavior in the past (e.g. Servlets), where we often want to designate specific thread pools for specific actions and reduce the probability that one misbehaving process or operation brings down the entire application. That idea is called the bulkhead pattern, and it does not apply here. If that’s confusing to you (which it is to most people at first), follow up with the blog post directly after this one for a more in depth example and discussion.

With that in mind, the first thing we’re going to want to do is reuse an event loop group, which I’ll demonstrate below.

Create the Reactive WebFlux App

Go to the spring initializr, select WebFlux, and unzip to your desired directory. By default, it comes with Reactor Netty.

From our discussion above, it makes sense to have one event loop group, which represents a group of threads that all consume work from a queue, pick it up, and try to release that work as quickly as possible in a non-blocking way. We can choose from most of the classes that implement Netty’s EventLoopGroup, or if we are feeling ambitious we could hand roll our own. I will choose NioEventLoopGroup and create a bean, so that the entry point looks like this:

public class ReactiveexApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {, args);

    public NioEventLoopGroup nioEventLoopGroup() {
        return new NioEventLoopGroup(20);

To customize the web server, we will have to provide a NettyReactiveWebServerFactory bean and use the event loop group we have already defined:

    public NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory(NioEventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup) {
        NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory = new NettyReactiveWebServerFactory();
        factory.setServerCustomizers(Collections.singletonList(new NettyServerCustomizer() {
            public HttpServer apply(HttpServer httpServer) {
                return httpServer.tcpConfiguration(tcpServer ->
                                tcpServer.bootstrap(serverBootstrap ->
        return factory;

To customize the WebClient we will have to register a ReactorResourceFactory that intentionally does not use the global resources, since we are defining our own:

    public ReactorResourceFactory reactorResourceFactory(NioEventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup) {
        ReactorResourceFactory f= new ReactorResourceFactory();
        f.setLoopResources(new LoopResources() {
            public EventLoopGroup onServer(boolean b) {
                return eventLoopGroup;
        return f;

We will use this ReactorResourceFactory to register a ReactorClientHttpConnector:

    public ReactorClientHttpConnector reactorClientHttpConnector(ReactorResourceFactory r) {
        return new ReactorClientHttpConnector(r, m -> m);

Finally, anytime we want our WebClient to participate in our custom defined thread pool, we can use this bean as the client connector:

    public WebClient webClient(ReactorClientHttpConnector r) {
        return WebClient.builder().baseUrl("http://localhost:9000").clientConnector(r).build();