Nick Fisher's tech blog

How to Publish and Subscribe to Redis Using Lettuce

The source code for what follows can be found on Github.

Subscribing to topics in redis allows for a fanout behavior, where any number of subscribers can be notified of a message from a publisher.

With the cli, you can simply run:

redis-cli subscribe some-channel
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "some-channel"
3) (integer) 1

Then, in another terminal, we can:

redis-cli publish some-channel some-message
(integer) 1

And we will see in the original terminal where we’re still subscribed:

1) "message"
2) "some-channel"
3) "some-message"

In java using lettuce, the process is pretty similar, but subscribing is a little wonky.

Publish/Subscribe with Lettuce

For a fast feedback loop, you can refer to either using embedded redis to test lettuce or using a redis test container to test lettuce as a starting point. Once that’s in place, subscribing and publishing looks like this:

    public void publishAndSubscribe() throws Exception {
        StatefulRedisPubSubConnection<String, String> pubSubConnection =

        AtomicBoolean messageReceived = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        RedisPubSubReactiveCommands<String, String> reactivePubSubCommands = pubSubConnection.reactive();

                .doOnNext(stringStringChannelMessage -> messageReceived.set(true))


                .publish("some-channel", "some-message")



The gist of the code is that we publish to the channel after we subscribe, and verify that we actually received a message by asserting that an AtomicBoolean was flipped to true. This test passes.