Nick Fisher's tech blog


How to Provision Multiple Logstash Hosts Using Ansible

The source code for this post can be found on GitHub.

Logstash primarily exists to extract useful information out of plain-text logs. Most applications have custom logs which are in whatever format the person writing them thought would look reasonable…usually to a human, and not to a machine. While countless future developer hours would be preserved if everything were just in JSON, that is sadly not even remotely the case, and in particular it’s not the case for log files. Logstash aims to be the intermediary between the various log formats and Elasticsearch, which is the document database provided by Elastic as well.

How to Provision a Multi Node Elasticsearch Cluster Using Ansible

You can see the sample code for this tutorial on GitHub.

Elasticsearch is a distributed, NoSQL, document database, built on top of Lucene. There are so many things I could say about Elasticsearch, but instead I’ll focus on how to install a simple 3-node cluster with an Ansible role. The following example will not have any security baked into it, so it’s really just a starting point to get you up and running.

How to do Test Driven Development on Your Ansible Roles Using Molecule

You can see the sample code for this tutorial on GitHub.

 Molecule is primarily a way to manage the testing of infrastructure automation code. At its core, it wraps around various providers like Vagrant, Docker, or VMWare, and provides relatively simple integration with testing providers, notably TestInfra. Molecule is a great tool, but in my opinion there are not enough resources, by way of examples, to provide an adequate getting started guide. This post is meant to help fill that void.

How to run a SQL Script Against a Postgres Database Using Ansible

The source code for this post can be found on GitHub.

Managing a live database, and in particular dealing with database migrations without allowing for any downtime in your application, is typically the most challenging part of any automated deployment strategy. Services can be spun up and down with impunity because their state at the beginning and at the end are exactly the same, but databases store data–their state is always changing.

A Simple Zero Downtime Continuous Integration Pipeline for Spring MVC

The sample code associated with what follows can be found on GitHub.

One of the biggest paradigm shifts in software engineering, since the invention of the computer and software that would run on it, was the idea of a MVR (minimum viable release) or MVP (minimum viable product). With the lack of internet access becoming the exception in developed countries, it becomes more and more powerful to put your product out there on display, and to design a way to continuously make improvements to it. In the most aggressive of circumstances, you want to be able to push something up to a source control server, then let an automated process perform the various steps required to actually deploy it in the real world. In the best case, you can achieve all of this with zero downtime–basically, the users of your service are never inconvenienced by your decision to make a change. Setting up one very simple example of that is the subject of this post.

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