Nick Fisher's tech blog


Query a DynamoDB Local Secondary Index with Java

DynamoDB’s Local Secondary Indexes allow for more query flexibility than a traditional partition and range key combination. They are also the only index in DynamoDB where a strongly consistent read can be requested [global secondary indexes, the other index that dynamo supports, can at best be eventually consistent]. I will walk through an example for how to use local secondary indexes in dynamo using the AWS SDK 2.0 for Java, which has full reactive support, in this post.

In-Memory Caching in Sprint Boot Webflux/Project Reactor

Sample code for this article can be found on Github.

In memory caching can significantly improve performance in a microservices environment, usually because of the tail latency involved in calling downstream services. Caching can also help with resilience, though the extent to which that matters will depend on how you’re actually leveraging that caching. There are two flavors of caching that you’re like to want to use, the first is using the Mono as a hot source [which is demonstrated here], and the second would be when you want to selectively cache individual key/value pairs.

How to Make Sequential API Calls and Merge the Results In Spring Boot Webflux

The source code for this article can be found on Github.

In reactive programming, it’s a game of callbacks. In the vast majority of cases, you will want to defer all of your I/O operations to the library you are using [typically, netty, under the hood], and stay focused on setting up the flow so that the right functions are invoked in the right order. Sometimes you will want to make calls in parallel, sometimes you need data from a previous call or operation available in order to invoke that right function.

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