Nick Fisher's tech blog


How to Expose Meaningful Prometheus Metrics In a Spring Boot 2.x Application

The source code for this post can be found on Github.

Prometheus is a metrics aggregator with its own presumed format. The basic idea is to have the application gather a set of custom metrics, then periodically collect (or “scrape”) the metrics and send them off to a prometheus server. This server will store the data in its database, and you can thus view the evolution of your application’s metrics over time.

The Difference Between a Reactive Non-Blocking Model and Classic Asynchronous Code

Reactive Programming is a very different way of thinking about doing work in a microservices environment. Anyone who has worked with a GUI, dating back to even to windows forms, is familiar with the event based model, but what does that mean when there is unpredictable latency involved? How does handing off to a thread to make a remote call differ from this new “reactive web”?

How to Make Concurrent Service API Calls in Java Using Spring Boot

The source code for this post can be found on GitHub.

When you’re in a microservice environment, it often makes sense to make some calls to multiple services at the same time. This allows for the time an operation needs to complete to be reduced from the sum of all the time spent waiting to the maximum time spent over the span of calls.

How to Selectively Allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing in Spring Boot

A single page application (SPA) architecture usually involves an end user getting a smattering of javascript files when he/she makes a request to a URL endpoint. After the javascript files load and start executing code, they usually make AJAX calls to interact with the back end from that point onwards. This pairs nicely with a microservice architecture based on REST over HTTP, since the front end SPA can effectively act as a client to any microservice that it needs information from.

How to Migrate An Embedded PostgreSQL Database Using Flyway in Spring Boot

The source code for this post can be found on GitHub.

Flyway is a database migration tool. Migrating a database generally means that you are making a change to the way the database currently structures its data. It could also mean you are adding stuff like custom stored procedures or indexes to help speed up queries. Either way, migrating databases is easily the most difficult part of any deployment strategy–Flyway makes this process as painless as possible because it will, by default, only run migration scripts that haven’t yet run.

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