Nick Fisher's tech blog


Configuring, Testing, and Using Circuit Breakers on Rest API calls with Resilience4j

The source code for what follows can be found on Github.

The circuit breaker pattern, popularized by Netflix [using Hystrix], exists for a couple of reasons, the most prominent being that it reduces load on a downstream service when it is not responding properly [presumably because it’s under duress]. By wrapping operations that might fail and get overloaded in a circuit breaker, we can prematurely prevent cascading failure and stop overloading those services.

Subscribing to Redis Channels with Java, Spring Boot, and Lettuce

The source code for what follows can be found on Github.

Pub/Sub in redis allows a publisher to send things to subscribers without knowing who is actually subscribed. In a previous post, we covered a simple unit test for publishing and subscribing to lettuce, but if you want to have a subscription initialized on application startup, and respond to events, we’ll have to do a bit more, which I’ll demonstrate here.