Nick Fisher's tech blog


How to Selectively Allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing in Spring Boot

A single page application (SPA) architecture usually involves an end user getting a smattering of javascript files when he/she makes a request to a URL endpoint. After the javascript files load and start executing code, they usually make AJAX calls to interact with the back end from that point onwards. This pairs nicely with a microservice architecture based on REST over HTTP, since the front end SPA can effectively act as a client to any microservice that it needs information from.

A Fast SCSS Learning Feedback Loop With Harp and BrowserSync

If, like me, your development career has been firmly on servers, wiring and protecting data across multiple machine and focusing on architecture, the shift to building websites that “look right” can sometimes be a tough transition. Like all things engineering, ensuring that you have a short feedback loop, where you can interact with the tool that you’re using in a very hands on way, will be your fastest and surest way to mastery.