Nick Fisher's tech blog


Redis Transactions, Reactive Lettuce: Buyer Beware

The source code for what follows can be found on Github.

Redis Transactions do not operate exactly the way you would expect if you’re coming from a relational database management system like MySQL or postrgres. It’s mostly useful for optimistic locking, but honestly there are better ways to accomplish many of the things you’re probably trying to, like running a lua script with arguments [which is guaranteed to be atomic]. The documentation on transactions in redis describes some of the caveats, the biggest one probably being that it does not support rollbacks, only commits or discards.

Subscribing to Redis Channels with Java, Spring Boot, and Lettuce

The source code for what follows can be found on Github.

Pub/Sub in redis allows a publisher to send things to subscribers without knowing who is actually subscribed. In a previous post, we covered a simple unit test for publishing and subscribing to lettuce, but if you want to have a subscription initialized on application startup, and respond to events, we’ll have to do a bit more, which I’ll demonstrate here.